Development Administration Nature , Scope and significance

Development Administration Nature Scope and significance

Development Administration is an effort towards planned transformation of economy involving not only the sphere of administration but also politics and social development.

Development Administration covers both the administration of development and development of administration. 

Nature of development administration

1. Changing process of administration
2. Citizens participation
3. Goal orientation
4. Innovation
5. Attitudinal changes
6. New technologies and techniques
7. Development nature.
8. Emphasis on economic development

Scope of development administration

 The scope of development administration is extend from physical , mental and cultural development.

1. Extension and coordination
2. Programme planning
3. Project management
4. Area development 
5. Urban administration
6. International co-operation
7. Human resources development 

Significance of development administration

1. Changing position of state
2. Increase the functions of government
3. Useful for developing countries
4. Instrument of Social change
5. Emergence of public sector
6. Economic planning
7. Administative efficiency
8. People's ideology.


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