Q - What is Development ?

Q - What is Development ?
A - Development is multidimensional term in public administration it refers as administative development, economic development, social development and political development.

Q- Development Administration?
A- It is a process which is doing by Administration for the welfare of the society and state. Either in terms of social development , economic development or political development.
 FW Riggs consider as the father of Development Administration. He said Growth in social , Administative, economic and political is development administration.
 Administative development is means that development of administration as human resources , technical support , capacity building , financial development.

 Features for the development administration 

There are various features of development administration which is vary in developing countries and develop countries.
A) Administative development 
B) Economic development
C) Political development
D) Social development

A) Administative development

1. Responsive administration
2. Easy and timely delivery services
3. Coordination between officials and employees
4. Effective implementation of policies
5. Accountability
6. Transparency
7. Social Audit

B) Economic development

1. Employment opportunities
2. Industrial regulations
3. Labour laws and protection
4. Wages, salaries and provident fund
5. Investment provisions
6. Health care system
7. Poverty alleviation
8. Abolished slums

C) political development

1. Two party  system
2. Effective formulation of laws
3. Constructive criticism of ruling government
4. Political participation
5. Public accountability

D) Social development

1. Social harmony
2. Social security
3. Normative society
4. Values in culture
5.family ensure to their members
6. Age of marriage

Developing countries are  India , Bhutan , Sri lanka , Bangladesh and others
Developed countries are USA , UK , European countries , Singapore and others.


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