Liberal order of the global politics

Liberal order of the global politics

Liberal order has originate from the end of second world war. It is created by USA and European countries. Liberal order means freedom of the nation's. This order is also contribute to the decolonization of Asian , African nation's. It prefers a Westphalian state from 1618 to 1648 which is the international politics era.
 Liberal order is begins with the profits of western world in terms of human and natural resources and the dependency of Eastern world. United Nations organisation is important unit for the support of developing countries. There are various thinkers which opposing to the western world in terms of democracy , human rights etc. PM of Malaysia Mahathir Mohammad and Prime Minister of Singapore Lee kaun yow  prefers to the Asian values, customs and culture. 
But the current scenario where liberal order is dominant over Eastern world. But here a positive attitude that shows developed countries supported to developing countries for the environment protection , trade agreement and military exercise.


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