73RD CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT ACT 1992 The 73rd Amendment bill passed by the parliament in December 1992 and constitutes a major milestone in the history of rural local government in India. It became enforcement from 24 the April 1993. In Constitution , part IX and schedule XI have been inserted with contains certain provisions for panchayat bodies at village, block and district level. Features of 73rd Amendment Act 1. Constitutional status to grass root democracy 2. Definition of Gram Sabha 3. Definition of Panchayat 4. Constitution of Panchayati Raj Institutions 5. Direct election of the members 6. Reservation of seats 7. Tenure of Panchayat 8. Powers and functions of PRIs - there are 29 subjects. 9. Sources of income of Panchayats 10. State election commission 11. State finance commission 12. District planning committee 13. Audit and accounts of Panchayats 14. Election petitions 15. Part not to apply ...